‘ECP aims to provide assistance wherever we can so if you have any such requirements whether they be carbon brushes, brush holders, comm stones, mica undercutters, commutators, sliprings, constant force spring clips etc., then please contact us;(link to contact page) as we may well be able to help.
We manufacture and supply into so many diverse and wide ranging industries, some of which include mining & drilling, plastics extrusion, motive power, paper production mills, steel production, marine drives & power transfer to name but a few.
Our ‘Spares Catalogue’ can be downloaded by clicking the following icon:
If you don’t see exactly what you require then please email us any such supporting information which might include some of the following information.
This will help us to speed your inquiry along:-
- Photos (as well as any available Engineering drawings or sketches showing sizes & grade where applicable)
- Quantity required
- Any available Machine details i.e. electrical rating plate details, how many brushes fitted per ring or per machine